Are you thinking of bringing an employment tribunal claim against your employer?  Are you unsure how to prepare it?  Have you issued a claim already and need an expert to prepare your case and to represent you on the day

To achieve the best results in Employment Tribunals, it is crucial to understand how they work.  Anyone can fill in a tribunal claim form, but it takes expertise and experience to prepare it in the right way to win a case.  Likewise, anyone can represent themselves at their tribunal hearing, but would you be comfortable arguing legal details against a highly qualified solicitor or barrister?

If you are looking to bring a Tribunal claim against your employer, it is important that you seek legal advice as soon as possible because the opportunity to bring the claim has a strict time limit which is usually within 3 months from the termination of your employment.

At Backhouse Solicitors we are specialists in employment law and have brought many successful tribunal claims.  We know exactly how to prepare your Tribunal claim form to present your case in the best possible light.  We will guide you through the ACAS Early Conciliation process and then make sure that your case is expertly prepared and that you receive excellent tribunal representation to suit your budget.  We are also skilled negotiators – if you would like us to reach a settlement with your employer without going to tribunal we will get the best possible deal for you.

The benefits for you:

  • A well prepared claim form and case increases your chance of winning and the size of your award

  • Our expert negotiation can help you get the best outcome without having to go to tribunal

  • Our representation means you aren’t facing your employer and their legal team by yourself

  • We take away the hassle of dealing with the tribunal system for you

  • A free 30 minute interview – you can find out if you have a case for free

Give your case the best chance of winning – contact us to speak to one of our expert employment solicitors.

Tel:          01245 893400
Visit:       17 Duke Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1JU
Or send us a message through the Contact Us page on this website.