Are you facing redundancy at work?  We can help.

Being made redundant can be an uncertain and stressful experience at the best of times.  The process can be long and drawn out, and if your employer does not follow the rules correctly the situation is made worse.

What does redundancy really mean?

Redundancy has a specific meaning in employment law and may be used wrongly as an excuse to dismiss you.  Redundancy should mean that your employer no longer needs someone to do your job.  This could be because they are changing what they do, changing how they do it or changing location/closing down.  In a genuine redundancy your job will no longer exist.

Contact our Employment Law Team for help

How should a redundancy process work?

Your employer should follow a legal process when making redundancies, and if they don’t you may have a case to issue an Employment Tribunal claim.  There should be a fair selection process to decide who is made redundant, and this can often lead to discrimination.  For example, selection based on age, gender, religion or any of the protected characteristics in the Equality Act 2010 is likely to be discriminatory.

The redundancy process is more complicated and takes longer in larger organisations with more staff.  Trade Unions may also need to be consulted.

What should you be paid in a redundancy?

If you have more than two years’ service you are entitled to a statutory redundancy payment based on your length of service.  Your employment contract may also specify additional amounts that you should be paid, again often based on your length of service.

Ask yourself these questions

If you have been told that your job is at risk of redundancy, or you are being made redundant, then ask yourself these three questions:

  • Have you been made redundant without a proper consultation?

  • Have you been unfairly selected by your employer? 

  • Did your employer pay the correct redundancy pay?

If you think the answer to any of these is “yes” then contact our expert Employment Law team to talk through your case in more detail.

How can Backhouse Solicitors help?

At Backhouse Solicitors we are experts in employment law and advising on redundancy.  We offer a free 30-minute appointment to discuss your case with you and to help you understand if you have been treated properly by your employer.

If you decide to issue an Employment Tribunal claim, we can provide expert assistance at every stage, including identifying any discrimination you have suffered, issuing your claim, preparing your case, negotiating with the other side and representing you at the Employment Tribunal to give you the best chance of winning.

Don’t be a victim of an unfair redundancy – speak to one of our expert employment solicitors today.

Tel:          01245 893400
Visit:       17 Duke Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1JU
Or send us a message through the Contact Us page on this website.