With Christmas around the corner and plans for the festive season underway, trying to organise arrangements for the children can be a difficult task for some separated parents. This is often made more stressful if parents cannot effectively communicate and come to an agreement.

To help make this process a little easier, we have put together some helpful tips on how best to go about making the arrangements.

Tips to help

  • The children’s welfare and wishes are your top priority. Make this Christmas one they remember for the right reasons
  • Keep talking! If you can’t discuss plans amicably with your ex-partner, there are Apps readily available to help such as Our Family Wizard or The Talking Parents App
  • Although the situation may be uncomfortable and stressful, try to show your child (or children), that their parents are able to communicate well and co-parent, so they have the Christmas they wish for
  • Any change in their routine should be presented as a positive – even if it means one parent needing to compromise a little
  • Can family members help? If the situation is hostile or you can’t guarantee a positive or safe environment, you could ask a relative to help by providing a different setting to celebrate with the children. Christmas is a time for children to see their grandparents, aunts and uncles and it could provide a solution that works for both parents
  • Once you’ve reached an agreement, the children should be informed of the arrangement in a positive way. Remember that any agreement can be alternated the following year
  • Try to have a backup plan. As with any situation, there is a possibility that the original plan may change, and you should be prepared. Just in case!

What should you do if you haven’t got any visitation arrangements in place?

If it hasn’t been possible to arrange contact with your children for Christmas, whether informally or through a Court Order, then our team are here to help. There are a number of options you can consider, from mediation to Hybrid mediation, where the solicitors assist in a “round table” meeting to try to reach an agreement.

If these options are not suitable, we can guide you through the process to gain a Court Order to ensure you and your children can spend time together this Christmas.

How can Backhouse help?

If you need legal advice about child arrangements at Christmas or help with any other Family law issue, contact our friendly Family Law team today to arrange a free 30-minute consultation with one of our experts to discuss your options.

Tel:          01245 893400
Email:     info@backhouse-solicitors.co.uk
Visit:       17 Duke Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1JU
Or send us a message through the Contact Us page on this website.